Book Review Peter Pan Ladybird Classics

Book Review Peter Pan Ladybird Classics

I love fairy tales.

I love child stories.

I love a curious mind.

I love imagination.

Peter Pan.

A boy lives in neverland.

He never grows up.


He loves company, especially with children.

He came to our world from time to time.

It's a beautiful story with adventure, love, care, hate, jealousy, humor with inspiration.

Pirates, fairy, ship, island, dog, love of a mother.

All blended here with a prolific way and care.

Two boys and a girl start their travel to never land with the help of Peter Pan.

Peter taught them how to.

Some lost boys joined them. 


It was travel like a roller coaster.

Villain Hook, with his bad companions, attacks them with cruel intentions.

The children didn't afraid or giving up.

They start to fight back with tricks and tips.

You will laugh and cry with joy and sorrow.

You will feel the thrill from the first page to the last.

The book is tiny.

It won't take more than 30 minutes for you to finish.


Its impact will change your point of view.

Unity, care, love, and sharing will enlighten you.

You will discover the evergreen inspiration. 

The end is also pleasing.

The children return with new ideas.

This book is excellent for any beginner in English.



Rich vocabulary.

Good writing style with motivation.

You are welcome to read this classic and enlighten your soul.


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