How To Overcome Writer's Hand Block?
Do you often face writer's block that I had some years ago?
I faced a lot of challenges during this unpleasing experience.
I overcame it with a simple practice.
The magic is reading, reading, and reading.
What to read?
Well, there's no hard and fast rule.
Read anything you love to explore and learn.
Travel, adventure, thriller, classic, short stories take what attracts your soul!.
And Newspapers.
But not any local.
I recommend The Guardian.
It's closer to the UK tone, culture, and lifestyle.
It will enhance your vocabulary.
You can feel more independent of flowing your dream and concern.
You will feel more confident.
You can enjoy the sentence structure, phrases, powerful words, wit, and humor with love!
English is a beautiful language.
You can be a magician with this influential global language.
Another great way to make your progress fast is to share and help other curious learners.
Knowledge showers us with care when we spread it with empathy to others.
Alone we are weak.
Together we are strong.
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