My journey To Hubspot as A Content Marketer In 2022

I love to write after reading. Marketing is another loving arena.

My online journey started with the three most invaluable platforms.

One is Income catalyst by KhaliluAllah khan. The second is my beloved Writing Hacks, and the third is Writing Hive.

In fact, without these three groups. I can't imagine my today's humble position—AlhamduliAllah for everything.

It's time to pay back.

After achieving basic knowledge about content to copywriting, I discovered the secret power of Marketing.

I was curious to learn marketing as a beginner.

I searched YouTube, Google, forums, and FB groups, read, and asked questions. There was a wave of info ocean.

They are excellent and informative. But my mind was looking for something different.

Unique, crispy, engaging, and easy to digest, learn and share.

After months of deep research, study, and following the growth hack.

Endless jazakAllah khairan beloved SEO legend Taher Chowdhury Sumon bhai tips. I finally discovered.

Despite many reliable platforms as a newbie curious learner. Hubspot can be my learning game-changer.

It attracted me with the motto. People who learn together can grow together from the very beginning.

LinkedIn also helped me a lot with this learning mission.

When I first time entered there, I found it a bit complicated. First, they were asking for my company website.

A few months ago, I started my career journey on Pensdio. A digital graphic design agency, as a co-founder and content marketer.

Client relation build-up and social media marketing responsibilities.

AlhamduliAllah, for all these challenging yet exciting battles, Hubspot helped me a lot.

SEO. Content Marketing. Social Media Marketing, Inbound Marketing, and Email Marketing offered value-added free certification courses.

I chose and accomplished one after another like an ever-hungry learner. Its interactive methods are pretty interesting.

You can join your related forums and learn and share with global participants.

You can learn your lessons according to your time and schedule. Prerecorded with HD quality.

Subtitles also helped me like a lighthouse.

I understand pronunciation well. But they are so exciting and informative that I never want to miss a single word.

How was my journey? Well, it's not like a bed of roses.

There were so many days and nights. I felt tired like a day laborer because of my agency and personal project pressure.

Sometimes I ask myself when a course will end due to my extreme workload.

But. AlhamduliAllah for everything.

I regained my confidence after taking a little break and started my learning mission again. It was a long journey of trial and error.

Hubspot certificate exam was quite exciting and challenging too.

You have to give 60 answers within two hours.

But. There were many issues, for example, electricity shortage in our country and other work pressure.

In most cases, I worked like a robot and did every test within one hour or, at best, 70 minutes. Alhamdulillah.

If Allah SWT did not permit me, it would be impossible!

Analytical. Tricky questions. Much internal and external pressure often haunted me, but I never quit.

This mission taught me that a winner never finished and a quitter never won.

All these hard-earned certificates help me a lot.

It helped me to market our Pensdio. It taught me more attractively.

How to do marketing? LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, FB, and other influential social media platforms.

Besides, it helped to achieve insight into knowledge. So, how do you optimize profiles from scratch to the next level?

Curious? Love to explore?

Follow, Google the link below, learn and enjoy!


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